2023 Philly Pre-K Enrollment Reservation Form

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Pre-Enrollment Reservation Form - 2023

Thank you for your interest in Somerset Pre-Kindergarten Academy. Choosing a quality child care program is one of the most important decisions you will make. We take your decision seriously and are committed to living up to the important responsibility of caring for your child. To begin the process and reserve your child's spot for enrollment, please complete the form below.

Once the form is received we will reserve your child's spot for the program and start you on the road for completing additional enrollment and registration documents. We will walk you through the enrollment process step-by-step. During the enrollment process, we will also schedule time for you to meet your child’s classroom teacher and assistant, discuss our programs and goals, tour the facility, and review the Somerset PreKindergarten Academy policies and procedures. Thank You!

Parent Guardian Information:

Parent Guardian #2 Information(Optional):


For additional information on Somerset Academy Early Learning Center
